
Isotonix supplements that are absorbed into the body within 5 minutes.

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Why Nutra-Metrix?

Nutra-Metrix Isotonix are scientifically formulated supplements with the perfect balance of fructose, d-glucose, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate and other ingredients to ensure they are isotonic the moment they enter your body. “Isotonic” means they are the same fluid pressure as your blood, sweat and tears, when properly mixed with water and taken on an empty stomach, the Nutra-Metrix Isotonic solution flows into your small intestine and is absorbed within 5 minutes. Most food, drink and supplements can take 45 minutes to 4 hours to move through the digestive tract. The science behind Nutra-Metrix advanced nutraceuticals ensures that Health Professionals and their patients receive the most effective products on the market today.

The Nutra-Metrix Supplements are available for purchase in the clinic as an adjunct to prescription medications with the intention of improving the body’s ability to heal, to feel better, and to have more energy and providing the patient with another “tool” to promote their most optimum level of health.

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Vitamin A

Aids in the growth and health of body cells, especially of the mucosal membranes and helps prevent infection. There are several types of Vitamin A including pro-vitamin A called beta carotene. In Like its retinoic counter part, beta carotene has anti-aging, vision and skin health benefits due to its antioxidant class called carotenoid.

Vitamin B1

Helps the body produce energy from carbohydrates. B1 or Thiamine is required for the nervous system to work properly. B1 also supports healthy neurotransmitter production essential for muscle function. Common groups deficient in B1 are those that have mal-absorptive issues like the obese, alcoholic and mature age.

Vitamin B2

Helps the body produce energy in the cell, in fact, it is a major part of healthy thyroid activity in addition to supporting healthy nails and hair. Pregnant and lactating females as well as athletes require more B2 because of their increased metabolic demands.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Helps the body produce energy by participating in the metabolism of fat and sugar. B3 supports optimal functioning of the digestive system, skin and nerves. It is not only important in converting food into energy but is considered a primary player in healthy cardiovascular function because of its role in lipid transport and reduction of triglycerides.

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)

Helps with production of energy in the cell. B5 is commonly referred to as the "anti-stress B" because it works on the brain and relieves physical stress and emotional stress because of its role in healthy adrenal function.

Vitamin B6

Important in helping the body make protein. In fact, it is often used to support athletic performance and or endurance due to its promotion of glycogen to glucose for muscle use. Often B6, in particular when activated or methylated form P5P and is used for mental health and mental clarity/mood. This is because B6 is responsible for the production neurotransmitters like serotonin and end products of homocysteine metabolism to SAMe

Vitamin B12

Helps metabolize protein and fat. Adequate consumption of B12 is necessary for proper cell health, both red and white blood cells, nerve cells and those that support the intestinal barrier.

Vitamin C

Synthesizes collagen, provides anti-oxidant protection, and strengthens immune system. The benefits of vitamin C are innumerable, including the preservation of intracellular glutathione concentration. It is this benefit that contributes to Vitamin C's ability to support blood vessel and skin integrity.

Vitamin E

Is a fat-soluble antioxidant - protects cell membranes and works to recycle vitamin C. The benefits of vitamin E are attributed to its natural form as a alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E and C work synergistically in the cell membrane to support healthy nutrient communication across the cell membrane and to improve membrane fluidity.



Sufficient levels of iron are important for blood health and overall strength and stamina. Many athletes require iron supplementation due to their higher than average potential to spend through it.


Is important for muscle contraction, including heart and nerve function. Calcium is responsible for contraction while magnesium is necessary for relaxation. This means in addition to bone health, it is responsible for muscular and nerve health, including cardiac and endocrine function.


Helps regulate blood pressure and heart rhythm; provides structure, along with calcium and phosphorus, to bones and teeth.


Extremely high levels of sodium are bad, but the right amount of sodium in balance with potassium, must be in a proper ratio in the body for optimal function. This is needed to maintain the body’s water balance, which is especially crucial for people with diabetes.


Has a lot of benefits for the entire body, but its particular benefit to people with diabetes is its ability to lower blood pressure. Potassium as an alkenizing mineral is also very important to support healthy muscle retention in the likelihood of an acidic diet or in response to physical activity.


Growing and repairing your body is an important component of health, and it is only possible with sufficient amounts of zinc. Everything from neurologic health to sperm and reproductive quality is reliant on sufficient zinc.


Helps balance blood sugar as it is responsible for the communication step between glucose and insulin called glucose tolerance factor. GTF is a water soluble cofactor of combined chromium and nicotinate.